Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Water for Elephants

I just finished reading Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It was GREAT! I was told about it oh about a year and half ago but finally got around to reading it and was not disappointed. It completely enthralls you in the world of a traveling circus. There is romance, suspense, historical references and some comedy thrown in for laughs. I highly recommend you read it!!!

Here is the link to the summary on Amazon if you are interested:

1 comment:

The Reiersons said...

Too funny - we were supposed to read that book this month for book club but since I've been so bogged down with prego books I didn't get a chance (first book club book I've never read!). I'll have to keep it on my list to read when things calm down. Add The Middle Place to your possible books to read - that is what we are reading next - looks good too! Love y'all and miss you bunches!!!