Saturday, January 31, 2009

Like Mother, like Daughter

Apparantly Zoe is destined to be a shopper just like me... check her out with her purse. Chris showed her how to put it on her arm and now she likes to carry it with her. Watch out for when she has more in it than toys... like her daddy's credit cards.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Days

Well we finally got some real snow (that actually stuck around). It doesn't look so great now kinda slushy and brown but boy was it pretty on Tuesday. Zoe fell asleep in the car so I drove around the Naval Academy taking pictures.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Standing Tall

Well the McCurry family is offically sick. Zoe caught a cold last week which developed into an ear infection. She is currently still on antibiotics and getting better day by day. Chris and I came down with the wonderful congestion and sore throat this weekend. Hopefully we will all return to being healthy soon and Zoe can continue her progress in learning to walk.

Here are some pictures of her standing on her own for the first time (for any significant amount of time). I took these right before she got sick and we have not seen it since. She would stand up and then look at Chris and I with a smile almost as if she was saying "are you catching this? Look what I am doing" I am sure she will be walking in no time and I will wonder why I was so eager for her to learn.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

All Done!

Ever since Zoe started eating solid foods we have tried teaching her the sign for "all done". Well she doesn't seem to like that hand motion and instead prefers this one. Now whenever we ask her if she is all done she either picks up food to tell us she is not or does this.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years Resolution

My New Years resolution is to keep our blog a little more current. I started the blog with every intention of keeping it updated, but life happened. After a mouse in our house, Thanksgiving, Zoe being sick for WAY too long, Christmas traveling and much more I am ready to give it another try. Hopefully you will see more posts soon!