Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mommy and Daddy night out!

We have found a FANTASTIC babysitter that Zoe adores. This allowed Chris and I to go out, just the two of us, for the first time in a LONG time (without my mom being here). There was a Junior League fundraiser that to be honest we were both feeling so-so about. WE ARE SO GLAD WE WENT!!!!! Chris and I had a blast. We saw tons of friends, had great food and wine and won some silent auction items to boot.

The best news though was that upon arriving home we found Zoe laying on her new friend and she was all smiles when she saw us (if I have ever left her in a daycare like setting before she would lose use once I came to pick her up and hold on to me tighter than ever before almost to say don't ever leave me here again) She seemed to have a great time though even blowing Molly kisses when she left. Looks like date nights will be in our future for sure!!! We meant to take a picture to prove our sans child evening but alas we had too much fun and forgot....we looked pretty good all dressed up though if I do say so myself =)

1 comment:

Kelly Good said...

Can you send her our way? That could expensive though! I'm so nervous about leaving Maddie based on her gym experiences but maybe someone in our home would go a lot smoother. I'm glad you guys got out! We really need to soon too!!