Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Zoe is 15 months old!!!!!

Zoe turned 15 months old yesterday. The weather was beautiful outside so we headed to the park that is behind our building. She wasn't to fond of the slide but she loved the cushy material under the playground that she crawled on, and swinging with me on the big kids swings.

Later in the day she had her 15 month check up and here are her stats:

19 pounds 1 ounce (10th percentile)
30 inches (50th percentile)
Still no walking (completely normal the dr and my mom keep telling me)

So she will be rear- facing in her car seat for a little bit longer. She did great with her shot and the next visit has no immunizations so that will be a nice change.

1 comment:

Kelly Good said...

Tell Zoe Maddie and I are very jealous of her warm weather and outdoor play!!