Sunday, January 25, 2009

Standing Tall

Well the McCurry family is offically sick. Zoe caught a cold last week which developed into an ear infection. She is currently still on antibiotics and getting better day by day. Chris and I came down with the wonderful congestion and sore throat this weekend. Hopefully we will all return to being healthy soon and Zoe can continue her progress in learning to walk.

Here are some pictures of her standing on her own for the first time (for any significant amount of time). I took these right before she got sick and we have not seen it since. She would stand up and then look at Chris and I with a smile almost as if she was saying "are you catching this? Look what I am doing" I am sure she will be walking in no time and I will wonder why I was so eager for her to learn.


Anonymous said...

I love her face in the 2nd picture!

The Reiersons said...

Yea Zoe!

Anonymous said...

The look on her face in the second picture is priceless! Hope you all are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey we're in the sick boat here too! Clare has been nothing but since the start of 2009...roseola and then a nasty cold. So much for b-feeding right?! Yikes! Zoe is so cute and happy. When she is feeling better she'll try walking again. Can't wait til spring and play dates at the park and no more colds!!!!